Pianos, Strings and Things

Pianos, Strings and Things by Jim Clifford album cover

This collection of songs covers a broad range of styles and instruments that I freely explore: various pianos, cellos, violins, pedal steel guitar, singing saw, muted trumpet, ukulele, drums, upright bass, organs and a horn section.

There are two songs in Portuguese: A Vida Na Lagoa, an energetic samba describing the crazy town I lived in Brazil for a few years, and Um Refúgio, a simple yet powerful poem by a Brazilian poet that I put to music (scroll down for translations). There is a segment from the movie Diva (1981), which I adapted for piano, bass and pedal steel guitar, and renamed Cloud Diva, and I tip my cap to Tin Pan Alley with The Love I Have For You by Alberta Hunter, who I saw perform in NYC around 1980 and never forgot. The delicate First Snow and the lush Cicada Summer share the same theme musically but describe completely different seasons. They are bookends to this musical journey. I hope you enjoy it.

Music Listening and Downloads HERE

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Songs in Portuguese – Translations: